quick way to DIY passport photos
Guess which photo costs $14 and which 31 cents?
I had the polaroid picture in the lower right taken at a Kinko's in Manhattan for $14. (The retake was even worse.)
Then, I found out about This Web site takes your 2x2 inch digital photo and gangs it up on a 4x6 inch print. I took a 15-minute walk to the nearest RiteAid drugstore, inserted the SD card into their Kodak printing machine, and they produced an excellent 4x6 print in minutes for 31 cents.
To take the photo I set my Nikon point & shoot S10 on a pile of books. I was facing the window in my bedroom and used the self timer and fill flash. I had a piece of white foamcore laying around that I propped up behind me for the background. I kept taking photos till I felt I got an acceptable shot.
They guy at Kinko's was discussing when he should take his break with his supervisor when he did my photo. That polaroid doesn't even meet the specs for a passport photo.