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January 30, 2008

"Nerdgasm": This Week in Tech (12/3/2007) podcast with Cory Doctorow


Xo I very much enjoyed this MP3 discussion among Cory Doctorow, John C. Dvorak and Steve Stecklow with moderator Leo Laporte on the OLPC phenomenon and its competition with other manufacturers including the notorious fight with Intel.

There was general agreement that once you get to see the XO in person, you're hooked.

Cory's idea was to fund a program that would distribute these laptops to children locally to create virality here in the US as a way of promoting interest in this project.


Towards the end of this discussion, Leo mentioned his sponsor Audible.com which leads to a lively debate on the problem with DRM they use on their audiobooks. Cory describes how he un-DRM'ed his vast collection of audiobooks.


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