It'd be nice to search "The" book about search
There's a section where John makes a point about how preventing deep linking for bloggers keeps valuable resources such as the online versions of the Wall Street Journal and The Economist off his radar screen.
Now, how do I search this audio book. I don't even have a table of contents to consult? And, what I really need is a digital version that I can highlight, bookmark, and annotate. AFAIK, there is no version available that will allow this.
I did go to, and was able to search his book with the search term "Wall Street Journal." I'm not able to copy the text, but you can read the passage where he makes the point that these august pubs are not linkable. It looks like you have access to the full text of the book. You can buy certain books that you can read online via AmazonOnlineReader which allows you to highlight, bookmark, annotate, tag, and copy & paste into another document, but, Battelle's book is not one of them.