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September 23, 2007

Prostate Cancer update

Gleason2 My personal experience with this disease included processing the core biopsies as a pathology resident at the NYU Medical Center, and then sitting down at the group microscope while the attending pathologist would go through the slides. His report with the Gleason score determined the surgeon's action.

I'll put together some posts based on my experiences to give my readers an idea of what the techniques such as the transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy and the aspects of diagnosis such as the Gleason scale involve.

Pcf_2 But for now, these are some items provide to me by the Prostate Cancer Foundation:

Asian Men More Likely to Survive Prostate Cancer
The reasons behind the better survival rates still unclear

Study Adds to Debate Over Prostate Cancer Testing
More frequent screening did not cut number of cases of aggressive tumors

Red Wine Chemical Guards Mice From Prostate Tumors
Resveratrol-fed mice were nearly eight times less likely than the control mice to develop poorly differentiated prostatic tumors

Low-Fat, Vegetarian Diet May Stall Prostate Cancer

Fiber and other nutrients found in plant-based diets may affect prostate cancer by altering levels of certain hormones that can feed tumor development

Veggies May Lower Aggressive Prostate Cancer Risk

Broccoli and cauliflower appeared to have the biggest impact

Lumpectomy Possible for Some Prostate Tumors
Focal ablative therapy may be an effective and less invasive approach for a considerable minority of men with early prostate cancer that is confined to the prostate


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